Harish-Chandra Research Institute
(An Autonomous Institute under Dept. of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India)
Chhatnag Road Jhunsi, Allahabad – 211 019.
Advertisement Notice No. 1/2015 Last Date :30.04.2015
Harish Chandra Research Institute (HRI) is an Autonomous Institute funded by Dept. of Atomic Energy,
Govt. of India. Institute is dedicated to research in Mathematics and Theoretical Physics.
HRI invites application from the eligible citizens of India for the following post to be filled by Direct
Recruitment on regular basis. The details of the post are given below:
Name of Post Number
of post
Category Age Limit upto
(as on 30.04.2015)
Pay Details
1. Library Assistant
(Scientific Assistant ‘C’)
01 UR 35 Yrs. PB 2 : 9300-34800/-
Grade pay Rs.4600/-
Minimum Qualification: B.L.I.Sc and B.Sc with a minimum of 60% marks in both.
Four years’ experience in any scientific/university/research Institute/college library in the pay
scale of PB2: 9300-34800/- Grade Pay 4200/- or above. The person having a post graduate
degree in Library Science i.e. M.L.I.Sc etc. shall be given relaxation of one year in experience.
Preference may be given to those candidates having sufficient knowledge of Information
Technology including the use of Library Management software and office Automation.
How to apply :
a) Applicant should fill up his name, date of birth, qualifications, experience etc. in format given at our
website www.hri.res.in.
b) One recent colour passport size self-attested photographs should be affixed on the place given in the
application form.
c) Self – attested copies of the certificates in support of Educational Qualifications, Experience and
Category (in case of SC/ST/OBC) should be attached along with the application form.
d) The envelope containing the application should be superscripted as “Application for the post of
__“name of post” and Advertisement No.”.
e) The application form complete in all respect along with the self-attested copies of relevant certificates
in support of educational qualifications, age and experiences etc. must reach in a sealed envelope to
the address given below on or before 5.00 p.m. of 30.04.2015:
Harish-Chandra Research Institute,
Chhatnag Road, Jhunsi, Allahabad – 211 019.
1) The prescribed qualifications and experience are minimum. Mere possession of the same will not
entitle a candidate to be called for test /interview.
2) The institute reserves the right to restrict the number of candidates for test/interview to a
reasonable limit on the basis of qualification and experience, higher than those prescribed in this
3) Age relaxation as per Government of India rules should be made applicable.
4) Persons working in the Central Govt./State Govt./Public Sector Undertakings/Autonomous
Bodies/Central/State Universities should submit their applications through proper channel.
However, in order to avoid the delay they may send an advance copy of their application along
with the enclosures as required.
5) The institute reserves the right to reject any or all the applications without assigning any reasons
6) Applications incomplete in any respects and not accompanied with the relevant self-attested
copies of certificates/ documents/photographs etc. will summarily be rejected.
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