1 |
TOM (Total Quality
Management) is a process of helping employees in an organization to Acquire
new skills and competence on a continuing basis
2 |
Virtual accommodates
Different version of the MARC Standard are USMARC, UKMARC, CANMARC, SWEMARC
3 |
What are the suitable
reference sources to know about the information of a Particular place? Gazetteer. in India Gazetteer was First published by
Ministry of Home Affairs
4 |
What are the two parts
of the annual report of the library Descriptive and Statistical
5 |
What do you call a
collection of maps, tables, charts, etc.? Atlas
6 |
What is National
List of books
published in a particular Nation
7 |
What is the
publication frequency of Books in print? Annually,
Published by R.R.
8 |
When did electrically
operated book charging system introduced first? 1932
9 |
When was Browne
charging system started? 1895
10 |
Which reference
sources to find out the list of historical monuments of Delhi? Guide book
11 |
Which service demands
the creation of a 'user' profile and Feedback mechanism? SDI
12 |
While entering the
library, the personal belongings of a reader is kept in Property counter
13 |
Who coined the word
POSDCORB Luther Gulick , it related to Library administration
14 |
Who designed
analytical engine Charless Babbage
15 |
Who is the pioneer of
open access system in British libraries- James Duff Brown
16 |
Who publishes Annals
of Library Science and documentation INSDOC Now (NISCAR)
17 |
Who said the demand
and supply theory of books? Me Colvin moors
18 |
Who started New york
Charging system? John Cotton Dana
19 |
World of Learning
(Directory) is a Secondary source of information, published by Europa Year
20 |
World Wide Web
(IJINVVII) was first designed by Tim Berner's Lee