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explanation.181. Which number system is usually
followed in a typical 32-bit computer?
(A) 2
(B) 8
(C) 10
(D) 16
182. Which one of the following is
an example of Operating System?
(A) Microsoft Word
(B) Microsoft Excel
(C) Microsoft Access
(D) Microsoft Windows
183. Which one of the following
represents the binary equivalent of the decimal number 23?
(A) 01011
(B) 10111
(C) 10011
(D) None of the above
184. Which one of the following is
different from other members?
(A) Google
(B) Windows
(C) Linux
(D) Mac
185. Where does a computer add and
compare its data?
(B) Memory
(C) Hard disk
(D) Floppy disk
186. Computers on an internet are
identified by
(A) e-mail address
(B) street address
(C) IP address
(D) None of the above
187. A compiler is used to convert
the following to object code which can be executed
(A) High-level language
(B) Low-level language
(C) Assembly language
(D) Natural language
188. Which one of
the following is not an Internet Service Provider (ISP)?
(C) ERNET India
(D) Infotech
India Ltd.
189. The
hexadecimal number system consists of the symbols
(A) 0 – 7
(B) 0 – 9 , A –
(C) 0 – 7, A – F
(D) None of
190. The binary
equivalent of (–15)10is
(2’s complement system is used)