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61. “Scitation” is the online host service
of (A) American Institute of Physics
(B) University of Maryland
(C) Society for Industrial Research
(D) OxfordUniversity
62. The process of surrogating,
repackaging and compaction of the primary literature that results in creation of
secondary journals, is
(A) Newsletter
(B) Abstracting and Indexing Periodical
(C) House Journals
(D) Electronic Journal
63. Which of the following is not
a language of DBMS?
(D) All the above
64. How do we render the name ‘Bernardo
Augustine De Voto’?
(A) Voto, Bernardo, Augustine De
(B) De Voto, Augustine, Bernardo
(C) Bernardo Augustine, De Voto
(D) De Voto, Bernardo Augustine
65. Which reference tool defines Reference
as “….that phase of work which is directly concerned with assistance to readers
in securing information and in using the resources of the library in study and
(A) Encyclopedia of Librarianship
(B) Encyclopedia of Library and
Information Science
(C) ALA Glossary of Library Terms
(D) ALA World Encyclopedia of Library &
Information Services
66. Indian National Advisory Board for
Libraries was setup in 1966 by
(A) Association of Indian Universities
(B) Ministry of Education
(C) Planning Commission
(D) University Grants Commision
67. The process of establishing
headings and providing ‘Cross references’ is called
(A) Access points
(B) Headings
(C) Authority control
(D) Bibliographic Records
68. Which set of rules is applicable for
exchange of files over Internet?
69. The first printed works are called
(A) Impensis
(B) Incunabula
(C) Impression
(D) Imprimatur
70. Which Law of Library Science,
restated with emphasis
on information as a dynamic, continuum and never ending phenomenon?