321. Andrew Carnegie donated two million
pounds for development of
(A) Library Collection
(B) LibraryBuilding
(C) Library Furniture
(D) Library Staff
322. Whose model of communication of
knowledge suggests that communication as an open system may be regarded as
subjective, selective, variable and yet unpredictable?
(A) G. Gerbner
(B) Juger Hebermans
(C) E Shanon & Weaver
(D) M. Foucault
323. “AnomalousState
of Knowledge (ASK) Model”, one of the user centered model’s of information
retrieval was proposed by
(A) P. Ingwersen
(B) T. Saracevic
(C) J.N. Belkin
(D) D. Ellis
324. The ‘Cranefield
Test’, associated with evaluation of information retrieval system was carried
under the direction of
(A) C.W. Cleverdon
(B) G. Salton
(C) D.C. Blair & M.E. Maron
(D) E. Voorhees
325. LAMP stands for
(A) Library Archives Management Programme
(B) Laser Analysis and Multimedia
(C) Linux Apache. MySQL Perl
(D) Library Automation Management
326. “Information Literacy Competency
Standards for Higher Education” is prepared by
327. Name a technique used
for searching stored data in a database
(A) Boolean operator
(B) Inverting file
(C) Indexing
(D) Binary
328. Information about Government of
India’s stand on ‘FDI’ can be found in
(A) Gazetteer of India
(B) Britanniea Book of the Year
(C) Statesman’s Yearbook
(D) Asian Recorder
329. An online search in which all aspects
of the records in natural language may be used as sought terms is