The content of a work; what information is included and what
information is excluded.
To look for information contained in a database by entering words or numbers in
a search box.
A process by which library circulation staff look in various library locations
for a missing item and hold it for the person requesting the search when it is
Secondary sources
Books or articles that explain or analyze primary sources.For
example, criticism of a literary work.
See reference
A reference from a heading that is not used to one or more
headings that are used. For example, the Library of Congress Subject Headings
does not use the heading Native Americans; there is a see reference to Indians
of North America, the correct heading.
See also reference
A reference from one heading to one or more related headings. For
example, in the Library of Congress Subject Headings, under the heading
Recycling, there is a see also reference indicating to look at subheadings
under subjects, e.g. Waste Paper--Recycling, Glass Waste--Recycling.
Materials issued at regular or irregular intervals and intended to
continue indefinitely. Includes periodicals,magazines, journals, and yearbooks.
A group of separate bibliographic items related to one another by
the fact that each item bears, in addition to its own title proper, a
collective title applying to the group as a whole. The individual items may or
may not be numbered. (AACR 2) For example, The Death Penalty is a book in the
Opposing Viewpoints series.
Serial record
The portion of the Illinois card catalog which contains
bibliographic information for serial publications cataloged before 1979. The
holdings and location information given for these titles is no longer current
-- consult the online catalog.
A group of related items. When conducting a search in a database,
the results of a search form a set. See alsoBoolean logic.
Shelf list
The part of the Illinois Library card catalog which arranges cards
by Dewey Decimal call number rather than by author or title (i.e., a classified
catalog). The shelflist was used formerly to give location and holdings
information, but has been replaced for this purpose since 1978 by the online
catalog. Some holdings for serials which ceased publication before 1950 are
ONLY listed in the shelflist. Holdings for these items are gradually being
added to the online catalog.
Rows of shelves where library books and journals are stored. The
largest collection of library materials is stored in the Main Stacks, or
bookstacks. In addition to the Main Stacks, each departmental library has a
stacks location where, in most cases, library materials that can be borrowed
are located. For example, Illinois History Stacks means the item is located in
the stacks collection of the History Library.
Stop word
A word which is omitted from the index of a database.Stopwords are
very common words (a, a, the, to, for, etc.) that normally add little meaning
to the subject content of the document being indexed. Since stopwords are not
indexed, they cannot be used as search terms, but will appear when you print
documents from the database.
Style manual
A publication that sets forth the rules for composition, including
format and manner of citing sources, to be used in a particular discipline or
profession or by a particular publisher.
A subdivision of a more general subject heading. For example in
the Library of Congress Subject Heading United States--History, History is a
subheading of United States.
Subject heading
A term or phrase used in indexes and library catalogs to describe
the content of library materials in a standardized way. For example, Indians of
North America is the subject heading used in the online catalog to describe
materials about Native Americans. See also thesaurus and keywords.
SuDocs (Superintendent of Documents)
The classification scheme used by the U.S. Superintendent of
Documents. Used to create call numbers for most U.S. government documents
received at the Illinois Library since 1980.
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